
Hello everyone!

Hope you're enjoying the christmas holiday by taking the opportunity to sleep A LOT! Well I'm...  Sorry for not been updating my blog, you see I haven't been so motivated for writing in my blog. However from 2007 it will improve.

So I've haven't been blogin so what have I done then. Yes, I have been 100 % busy with electronic stuff in our home. The biggest problem have been my computer! It hasn't act as it should lately. Our homecienma is always messing around with us, for example: Sometimes we can't watch TV, record from TV, the sound disappears a couple of seconds during movies and we also have to clean the projector as you see the list is very long and it also continues. So this is actually what I have been doing trying to sort out all of our problems. However I'm getting furious on this, I don't want to do this all the time. I just want everything to work without problems, but it seems that this is the world we're living in. We are surrounded by problems not only with Mp3-players, computers and other electronic features but also family and friends intrigues. Which sometimes can tear us apart from each other. This is why it is important to always have a friend to go to, when you're not so tight with your best buddy. Open your heart for everyone and don't judge persons on how they look. Instead try to find the persons inside, because that's the unique part of each one of us that no one can take from us....

I wish all you a Happy New Year!

Dan Döre Doppare Dan

Today is the day before Christmas eve, in sweden we call it Dan före doppare dan. Yesterday until today I was at Hiroto's place and I must say that it's: AWSOME! Everything is new and fresh they have a really nice sauna and jacuzzi in the bathroom and plus they have 100 M/bit into the appartment. They have a nice Hästen also in the bedroom. Hiroto, Micke and I sat in the livingroom and looked at many nice movies which Micke had got. We had two laptos in front of us on the table during we looked on movie. We had a nice time together.

Now for all you other leave a comment and write what you have done the latest days.


Pictures from Pre-Dp Ice-skating

Hey here are some pictures from Tuesday when Pre-Dp were Ice-Skating!




Sally, Chantell, Diana, Nienke

Markus, Branden and Poriya

The whole group

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


For many this is something unknown, however today some of my friends took there first steps on the ice with ice-skate and I must say that they were very good! Hiroto learned very quickly and also Victor tough he looked kind of funny when glide over the ice. For me it was actually hard, I fell 3 TIMES or was it 4, don’t remember. The only thing I remember is the pain inside my left arm, which now has a bandage around it. I’m so tired and my arm hurts so I think I’m going to sleep. Tomorrow I’ll put up some pictures from today :

Cheers, Erik

Christmas presents

Today I was at”Sickla Köpcentrum” buying Christmas presents together with my mom and brother. I found most of what I was looking for but still got many presents left. I don’t know how you feel, but I think it’s really hard finding the right present for the right person. However this year was a little bit easier to find presents, but I don’t know why. I’ve been so busy with planning and buying Christmas presents to everyone else, so when my dad came into my room and I asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I couldn’t answer. I had forgotten myself… I thought I about and came up with that I actually have everything I want and need, okey there are some things that I want however my parents can’t get me that!


See you tomorrow guys =)



Only 2 days left until Christmas Holiday!

A beautiful winter day!

A winter day without snow.

Today I actually went out on a nice tour around Saltsjöbaden together with my beloved bike “Hurricane Escaper”. As one we cycled half the way up of “Saltsjöbadens Skidbacke” which was really hard, it took me a while, pictures coming on this later! However before cycling up for the hill, we cycled trough Erstaviken and we went to Tattby were we almost fell :S  because of the ice on the road, however it was actually the only time. The road took us by Nienke’s house and we continued over Tattby Bridge, we stopped sometimes and I took some pictures over the magnificent work of nature. We stayed for a while at Grand Hotel and jumped on a couple of jumps that I found, but got tried of it and continued cycling. After a while I actually was home my dad and brother just came with the Christmas tree at the same time. I was a bit surprised they had bought the three days before what we usually do.

In the evening which is now 18:00 I won’t do much, just stay on msn, maybe play some cs, depending if the computer is willing to corporate with me.

Cheers guys, See you tomorrow! Here are some pictures from today:

Botten på Båt





Grand Hotel







Naken Badet

Good Morning!

I hope you all have slept very much today, because I've done it. Today I'm going out for a long cycle tour; it's such a beautiful morning!  The sky is blue and not a cloud on the sky, the sun is for the moment going up now from the horizon. I had plan to go into town today, but I’m considering to stay out almost the whole day and bring my camera and plot some pictures and maybe film something!


However I hope you all take the opportunity to be out side taking in the important energy which makes us less tired (Remember what Frölich said to us ;) Now the time is 10:26, I’ll step away from the computer take warm clothes winter gloves and winter shoes!


Bye bye,  See you outside  ;)


Hey guys, thx for the nice comments, I appreciate it!

When I sat today playing keyboard not piano! (Happy Nienke ;) I thought about what I would like to do during the Christmas vacation. I came up several suggestions for how to live this vacation, without rotten in my room in front of the computer. There should be a combination between activities inside and outside, so far I think most of the “activities” we’ve done has been indoor. However it has been very fun, but we have to activate us much more! Suggestions for this are; Walking, Running, Cycling, Swimming, Skiing, Ice-skating, “Åka Pulka” and much more! Please leave other suggestions that you may have in mind.



Have a nice weekend!

Finally It's Over

Finally it’s over (almost)! This term has been one of the best and is definitely my favourite, so far… Usually I don’t talk about have a term have been, however I ought to do it this time. I remember the first day in this term, exactly were I sat and who I sat next to. I kind of didn’t like my first day I don’t know why, but I have been thinking about it and I came to this conclusion. There were no Guys! I the only thing you could see when I turned over the class room was GIRLS. I thought for myself how am I going to live with almost only girls, I knew Philip and Marcus however there were still to many girls. But I faced it and said hmm, this is were I want to go, so I’ll live with it, and so far it have just been great learning to know all new people, (tough many of them are girls ;). As many others, I really like meeting new people it’s just sooo interesting to hear what other experiences other people have been trough and here’s the thing, NO ONE, has the same story as another one.  Very exciting idea.



This term have been going through everything from tears to laughing lunch every day! I don’t know if you notice or thought about it, but try to remember a lunch when there was no laugh, I think you’ll never find one. There is always the “Nuclear Reaction” (As I call it) Diana starts, Then after a second Nienke begins, and finally everybody is laughing, thou many don’t know actually what there are laughing at


So far Math’s have been fun and horrible, the tests sucks (Not sucks as Tos makes them bad,  just like it’s bad makes people cry that’s bad! Bad bad bad) however the lesson are the best! There are to many things that occurs during maths that shouldn’t occur, (Diana’s and Philip’s “flirt” under the table for example, OR just the classic Quote “Why are you laughing, Maths is boring!” Tos.



I think I spoke for most of you who read this, this term have been very funny and I’ll hope the next and the next and the next will be as good as this one! Everybody have a nice Christmas Vacation, just relax, but IF you get bored, then you always can call me and we figure something out!


Merry Christmas! You can say that the Vacation has begun! Btw, Cross your fingers for SNOW :D

I feel like "Mörbultad"

Shit the swiming is killing me, the butterfly kills my legs I always get a muscular spasm! The thing is I don't know how to prevent it to occur. Hmm, I was going to write something more but I don't remember it now, dammit, I'm tired and "Mörbultad" from the swimming!

Short entry, maybe some silly mistakes.

Sleep well! I'm going to bed now! or first I'll play through Titanic on the piano:D

Maths, What a day!

Hello dear readers!


Today, my day has been really boring! Woke up early, like 7:45 I ate breakfast took a shower, and went directly down to my room and began studying maths! I had forgotten everything we had done so far and I’m not so pleased about that. However, I did a good schedule about what I had to go trough, this is what I came up with:

1. Mensuration Chap 3

  • 3.1 Area (49)
  • 3.2 The Cricle (53)
  • 3.3 Arch length and Sector Area (55)
  • 3.5 Volume (59)
  • Revision Exercise!
2. Geometry Chap 4
  • 4.1 Fundamental Results (69)
  • Polygons (71)
  • Parallel lines (72)
  • 4.2 Pythagoras' Theorem (73-74)
  • 4.4 Similarity (76-78)
  • Areas of similar shapes (79-81)
  • Volumes of similar objects (82-83)
  • 4.5 Circle Theorems (84-87)
  • Tangetns to circles (88-90)
  • Intersecting chrods theorem (90)
  • Revision Exercise!
3. Algebra 2 Chap 5
  • 5.1 Algebraic fractions (98-101)

Only 12 days left to Christmas Vacation!!!


How come I don't write in my blog, is it because of a lack of Time? Don't think so because I spend much time on other things, I think it's about what I choose to do before other things. However one of my New year promises is going to be write more in the blog;) I usually have many new year promises, however I don't keep them all but some I do actually keep =) Never mind, hmm what was the purpose of this entry, | There wasn't any! I see, hmm maybe I can come up with some thing, but I'm tired want to sleep, play a little piano before going to bed, Btw i've learned Titanic, give me some song names that I want to try to play on the piano, =)

Only 12 days left to Christmas Vacation!

Todays song, Titanic and Only Time - Enya

Video Coming Up!

Hello every one!

Today when I was sitting in “Mediecommunication” I said to Philip that we should do a video, during the winter vacation. He thought it was a splendours idea... I have tried to do it before, but without success, I talked to much and didn’t do much, that was the main problem but also that I didn’t know how you used “Windows MovieMaker” (Ashamed, because it was soo simple like the simplest program I’ve ever used) But now I know it, and Philip is already very familiar with the program he knows it well ;) (Right Philip, ooh forgot you don’t read blogs, btw you should do it =)  However, we have decided to this video, and the good thing with it is that it can include anything! So all creative people use your brains, and dig for ideas that could be put in the video, remember every thing is good :D and if you would like to be in it just talk to us… We haven’t decided any date yet, but I was thinking of that this will be a long project, with one year of events, like during winter we do most of the things you can’t do during summer, for example. But this is just proposals you are free to come with own ideas!




Cheers Erik! Comment (A)



And ONLY 16 days left until Christmas Vacation!


Listening to "White Christmas"

Drowning in the "Process"

Drowning in the “Process”

You see I’m sitting here in my room with a small candle and trying to write my analysis about “The Process”, which was an impossible novel, it was boring but kind of interesting in the same time… It’s strange, because I’m stressed thou I have 3 days left to write on it, and i have already written 540 words, Yay=) So, I pushed the assignment and went on the net and found a beautiful Christmas Tree, with an usb input, which means that it lightens up with different colours, download this small clip to see it


 Only 18 days left to Christmas Vacation!


Update of the life

I’ve decided to do an update on my life, okey not EVERYTHING it would take me years to write it down! However I’ll try to cover the most important things. Okey were to start, ahh my dad just came home from Sir Lanka on a Business-trip, he has been gone for five days and comes home today, at 19:30 (for you information;) Another big event is that, I’ve actually driven a car by my own now, to be precise TWO times, the hardest part of driving is to handle so many things at the same time. The myth of that, mans can only do two things at the same time, seems to be true in this meaning. However this just applies for driving car and when you only have done it TWO times;) I always get mad at myself when I get “kärringstop” (English??) For those who doesn’t know what it’s I’ll try to explain for them;) I hope that every one knows that there are three pedals in a car, Accelerator pedal, Break pedal, and Da Clutch pedal! So when you have a for example have gear one in, you have to push the Clutch to the bottom all the time, or else the car will break/stop. When you have the clutch to the bottom you can change the gears… So, how to go forward then??? Lets see we have the Accelerator pedal and if we push it down, more fuel will be lead into the engine which make the pistons (Kolvar) go faster around the cars axle. The cars engine runs in higher RPM, = Rounds per minute… Okey so you have put in the gear one, and the Clutch is pushed down as far as possible. When you then start to pulling up the clutch you have to give more gas to the engine, or else it will trun off. But if you give gas the car will slowly begin going forward, and when you have reached like 5 Mph you can release the clutch totally. You have managed to go from 0 to 5 Mph! CONGRATULATIONS! This doesn’t sounds that bad, or?? For me it doesn’t sounds so hard/bad, but when it comes to do it in real life, it’s a different story! Believe me, It’s HARD! And it gets worse when you are in a slope. But that’s a totally different story! Back to the “kärringstop” you see the relation between accelerator pedal and clutch pedal, how much you should push the gas and how much you should realise the clutch is a mystery, because if you realise the clutch to much the engine stops, or if you push the gas down the engine starts screaming (Higher RPM it’s called ;) and you get nervous and stop. For me this has been the most difficult thing to learn about cars, how engines works is very easy! (In your heads: Yeah sure! Very simple! I only know that there’s a steering wheel and some pedals and A KEY!!)



Oh shit! I wrote to much on this shit!:P LoL (Let me lol, don’t hate me;) But it was interesting to explain it actually… Hmm should I continue writing something or are you already dead now of reading this Bullshit! Leave me a comment  if I should continue, and if you have something in mind of writing about plz write it too :D





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