Study day?

Oh yess, today is the official study day, yesterday was a marvelous day and I did took advantage of it. I was out for an hour and about 20 minutes out walking with my day, it was a good feeling, discussed a lot about many different things. We spoke about how the future will look like in 50 years. I will be walking with my children and grandchildren on erstavikstranden and the windsurfing club. What we thought of was when we were standing on the edge to the water, if I will be standing there too with my children. We came to the conclusion that it won't be possible, am I sending negative waves now, yes I am. However it is actually true, the sea level have by then risen at least a meter or two, this means that there won't be any windsurfing club.

My dad and I sat on a bench close to the beach of erstaviken. We sat there for approximately 30 minutes just talking, me and my dad. It was very funny and interesting, I don't mean to brag, but I'm very proud over my dad... He knows about how everything works, he gave me some tips on what I should start thinking about already in a couple of years. He said the earlier you start the better you will have later on in life.

I've only been talking about what I did yesterday, that's because it was such a marvelous day! Don't you agree? However now I have to head a head to my Swedish oral presentation I'm having on Wednesday.

Autumn leaf

Stressed, sleepy, and deprested

Tja, jag måste om 20 minuter lämna hemmet för att åka till skolan, usch hatar börja tidigt det är Computer Science som förstör allting. Men jag vaknade ganska bra imorse, men efter 10 min kännde jag tröttheten redan komma tillbaka Hur ska man klara sig för resten av dagen, vi får se? Ajaja, nu måste jag gå vi ses, ha den bra dag!


Why can't every morning look like this...
Why can't the sun fill up my room whit its marvelous light
Why can't I reliese that I will be late for school if I don't run now!

I'm back, hopefully

Så nu är jag tillbaka här på bloggen efter en väldigt lång "paus" om man får kalla det paus, kanske uppehåll låter bättre. Jaja, hur som helst hoppas jag att ni som läst har märkt att jag skriver på svenska och inte på engelska som jag gjorde förr, jag ändrade mig eftersom jag helt enkelt känner för att skriva på svenska och för att jag kan uttrycka mig på ett bättre sätt på svenska än på engelska. Jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska skriva om men, det får väll bli för vad som faller in i mina tankar som är värda att nämna här, så att ni 5 unika besökare som besökte mig idag (fortfarande 16 oktober) har något att sysselsätta er med! Visst är jag omtänksam =) nämen i alla fall, det ska bli kul att se vart detta kommer att leda det är mycket som står på spel nu... Kommer jag att hålla uppdateringen mera kontinuerlig? Kommer ovissheten försvinna i och med att "djuret" kanske blir tillfälligt utrotat? Kommer jag klara av IB? Med tanke på...allt? Jodå det hoppas jag, jag kommer göra, men man vet aldrig... Finns säkert någon fånig statistik som bevisar att IB leder till att man löper större risk att bli psykiskt sjuk än om man går någon annan linje tex NV eller SP... Men  vi  hoppas alla att det inte stämmer, för visst vill vi inte bli sjuka och måste som 17/18 åringar redan hamna på dårhus och få äta pillren för resten av våra liv, det vore ju otroligt patetiskt och helt enkelt sjukt... Jag kan gott glädja er alla (IB) att chansen är kanske mindre än att jordens magnet fält skulle kollapsa...

Haha, för vet ni vad jorden är utan dess magnet fält, vet ni det? Ne tänkte så, om ni vill så kan jag ju förklara det och göra det genom att inte använda några fula termer från fysiken, utan genom en fin (hemsk) jämförelse med en aprikos som vår jord. Joo så här ligger det till, jordens magnet fält "håller" kvar ozonlagret på plats, och om magnet fältet försvann betyder det att även ozonlagret skulle försvinna... Man kan beskriva jorden utan ett ozonlager så här, tänk er en aprikos eller någon annan frukt, sätt den på en gaffel och håll upp den en bit ifrån er... Vid detta tillstånd är allt liv helt normalt på jorden som på aprikosen, men då magnet fältet försvinner --> ozonlagret... Då! Ta en fin hår spray som är ytterst brandfarlig, ta en tändare håll framför sprayen och tryck till! WHOOOSSS, en jäkla stor eld flamma sprutar ut rakt på våran lilla aprikos med andra ord jorden... Vem kan förutspå konsekvenserna av denna händelse?

Så ville bara säga att jag är tillbaka, förhoppnings vist en längre tid...

Difficult times

Att leva i en värld med ovisshet, är något man ej väljer... Men det bara finns där, ligger och väntar på att få rycka ut och ställa besvär för familjer å personer. Vid detta skede inser man att det som funnits där som en självklarhet inte längre är säkert, växer ovisshetens djur och försöker ta sig in. I ett till tre år har detta monster spridit sig, rakt under näsan på en, visst har detta anmärkts men då det gäller denna person raderas anmärkningen ut hos mig. Anmärkningen forvidare till organisationen där man kämpar emot djur som dessa, men ännu en gång så raderades anmärkningen ut och inget hände. Ett misstag som kan kosta ett männskligt liv och en totalförstörelse i en familj där motgångar är en vana men som efter varje motgång lyckats ta sig tillbaka på fötterna igen. Men situationen ändrar sig dramatiskt och ändrar karakätar då ett misstag sker inuti denna lilla organism, dess delning är något av det viktigaste för den människa, men misstaget sprider sig till organismens vänner runt omkring sig de blir smittade och hamnar i samma situation. Denna händelse är en motgång som inte har styrts av två människors fejkade kärlek till varandra, det är en motgång som sker 2000 person varje år och är helt oberoende av häslo eller psykologiskt tillstånd och ärvsligdom, det helt enkelt bara händer...

New phone incoming!


I've planned to buy a new phone. Yepp it's true. My current phone has reached it years (3 ½ I think). I've noticed that sometimes I don't get the text messages people sent me or those I've sent to others and it's due to my... phone.  The phone also have a tendency of leaking electricity from the battery. Yeah I know often this happens to old mobile phones, however I bought a new battery for the phone. As the god of electricity hates me (yes he hates me) there wasn't any difference in the batteries performance. The SD memory card in the phone doesn't any more connect normally to any computer, which means that I can't download the pictures from my phone! My phonebook on the phone is also fucked up since it has saved some of my contacts on the internal phone memory and others on the SIM-card. Which means when I'm changing my phone to a new one I need to write down all of my contacts on the computer or on a sheet.  Annoying?? Extremely annoying!!!


Now comes the intresting part, which phone is "incoming"? One thing you need to know when I buy new electronic devices is that I try to have a decent phone which isn't already old after a month of two. Never mind, I've looked on the phones from Nokia, Sonyericsson, Samsung and Motorola. What I've noticed is the models from Samsung and Motorola S U C K S (Sorry for example Lisa I know you have Motorola) compared to Nokia and Sonyericsson. I searched on many phones from Nokia and Sonyercisson. From what I've read and seen Sonyericsson is definitely the brand which suits best to my demands and the model will soon be on the market. It's called K850i. To start with the appearance, there are two colours called: Luminous Green and Velvet Blue.


image76 image75


The phone has a camera of 5 megapixels and a function called BestPic which gives you the opportunity to take nine shots in quick succession. Keep the best picture from the nine. This function is one of my favorite. Another one is the fast internet connection called HSDPA. The function makes it possible to download big websites with many data. The phone also has a function were you can play music from the phone to headset over a wireless connection. I can't write all the specifications here you can check them all here Specs.

Pride Festival

Yesterday I went with Poriya, Emmy, Oscar, Diana, Lisa and a cousin to Poriya to see the Pride Festival in Stockholm. I've never seen it before and had no clue that it was such a big festival. It was so many persons which actually participated in the festival, when they came to our spot on Kunsträdgården people just went passing for an hour all the time... It wasn't only a lot of persons walking the street; it was crowded around the street as well. You could clearly understand that many people do care about the rights of homosexuals, since people show an interest in watching the festival. That it just what I think! I took some pictures and made some videos, unfortunately I can?t publish the videos, and the photos aren?t the best, but it?s something! It was so cool, that we did see a biology teacher in IB, Russel! He was walking and holding the edge of an organge banderole for "Kristdemokraterna" *accroding to Lisa ;) *



Dj Tiesto - Interview

OBS - Read the text!!!

Skins to your IPods and Laptops!

Hello everyone!

How are you doing?! I'm fine! My sister found a website called, were you can find skins to your iPod and laptop. The website is REALLY cool you definitely need to check it out, so I link it again (unnecessary maybe...) .... I first looked for my iPod video but then I saw that they also offer skins to your laptop, 15"... I began searching and I found out quite soon they have the same skins for iPods and laptops, which is really cool that too :p (Erik is Hyper at the moment). I looked at two which I liked quite much but there are many more that I also like, but you can only have one on your computer, unfortunately...

Here are the links for those I like "most"...

The Reptile skin!
For Laptop

For Ipod

The "Endless Summer" skin!
For Laptop

For Ipod

However check out the website you will find many cool skins, with an art of touch on someones!


Our Universe is 78´000´000´000 light years big (across), visualize that!

A light year; is the distance light travels in a vacuum in one year.

A light year is equal to; 9,460,730,472,580.8 km. That is; 2,361,000,000 laps around earth or 78,000,000 forth and back from earth to the moon...

The Universe is; 78,000,000,000 times 9,460,730,472,580.8 km = The size of the universe ( I won't calculate it, I just want you to get a "picture" of how big the world is and how small but not alone we are!)

Look at this video (Don't abort even tough it might seem very very boring)


It just hit me as it normally does, that I still haven't decided what I would like to work with in the future or what program I would like to study or were I would like to study the program/education I don't know!!! For just an hour ago it snapped in my head and I started to do some googling around the net to read about what Universities have been recommended in its particularly area. When I googled I was typing, undergraduate programs/courses with a concentration on Mathematics, Physics, and Economics. Of course it was a result list of over millions of websites; I clicked myself to a website which had an article concerning the best economic courses on different Universities in Europe. London School of Economics Oxford University, Cambridge University, Tilburg University, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, University of Warwick and University of Toulouse 1. Many familiar and unknown Universities, I know to get to these Uni. you need to have a score above 40 in the IB program to stand against the world! Since that's what we are taking about... Getting a 40 score in IB is very difficult; you need to be a smart person and a person with its feet on the ground! Okey, I haven't read the entrance requirements, however in general it's like that!

In my case, until I haven't figured out what I would prefer studying and were, I need to achivie as high grades as I can. Since with high grades you can enter almost anywhere, without good grades you can't! Achieving high grades is a matter of course and also another thing I can't tell you, (Classified). Schools start in about five and a half weeks (counting the current one). I promised myself that I would improve; my hand writing, my reading speed, and my word vocabulary, I would start; reading more to hopefully become a more intellectual person! I haven't keept all of the promises, however some I have! =) Enough, I need to sleep, today I will listen to "Chariots of Fire - Yanni" when I go to bed.... Which is actually quite soon, almost, not far from NOW!

Good Night people!   *The post should have been up yesterday night*


Yesterday I went on the pemier for "Transformers The Movie" with my brother and mom. I was very excited, since I've seen all the episodes of Transformers "the cartoon" when I was a little kid. I even had the "transformers" or the guys, as toys, you could bend them at all directions but they were unbreakedable. I bend and bend, maybe I just wasn't strong enough, hehe, ya never mind.  I had a lot of expectation for the movie. We came to Sergel at 14:20 the movie was to being at 14:40. We mostly bought drinks for the movie, I wasn't going to have time for eating any candy. I would focus as much as possible since I would suck all the pictures, sounds and information from the movie! When the movie finally started at 14:46 (when I turned of my phone) my heartbeat increased leading my bloodpersure also increasing I was so ready for the movie... After sitting two hours and about 15 minutes in the cinema my expectations had been more than satisfied! I reacted to my brother and mother as if the movie was any other movie, however inside (oooohhh) I was still having a heartbeat above "rest-state". The movie can't be expressed with words you have to see it by yourself. However the animation of the transformers are incredible and that's almost what this movie is about... Having the best animation I've ever seen on the transformers makes the whole idea of it much better! I would recomend you to see the movie, if you like incredible computer animation and the serie "Transformers"!


Megatron! (Bad guys leader)

Optimus Prime! (Good guys leader)


Blackout (Bad guy)


Bumblebee (Good guy)


IronHide (Good guys weapons master)


Jazz (Good guy)

Starscream (Bad guy)


Barricade (Bad guy)



The Superbus, a limousine and a bus in one!

Today I received my monthly magazine "Illustrerande Vetenskap", as usually I read it out in just 30 minutes including the time it takes to check the websites. There was an article about the coming future bus, the Superbus. When I first heard the name I was thinking a normal SL bus however this one would be bigger (especially more wide). However when I read that the bus would be able to go up to 250 km/h I was chocked and understood that this wasn't a normal SL-bus in a bigger format. This was no normal bus or for that a normal transportation vehicle, when I later saw a model picture of how this bus would look like I was even more convinced that this was an extreme bus! It is a science team at the University in Delft in Holland which is developing this Superbus. It's supposed to have a special track were this bus will only travel at high-speed, up to 250 km/h. Roads will be built, from Amsterdam/Schiphol to Groningen/Leeuwarden the bus is supposed to travel on these roads and ONLY. The last picture shows the roads location in the country.

The Superbus has an advanced electronic technology, which reduces the risk for accidents very much. The bus would have radar which would scan the area of the road a couple hundred meters ahead, if any signs of an accident might occur the bus can make a hard application of the brakes and stop before reaching the object in the way. As you see bellow the Superbus had a design and aerodynamics as a Formula 1 car. Since the Superbus has the Formula 1 technology the bus has a high performance rate on the road. The Superbus is supposed to be a point-to-point transportation, and in order to make it happen an ordering system will be developed. This ordering system will make use of internet and SMS. The system will try to combine passengers with the same origin and destination as much as possible. This results in minimizing the number of stops needed during the trip.

The total costs of the design and development of an experimental demonstration vehicle is estimated to 8.5 million euro.






Is this a limousine or a bus? Or is it both in one ?

Pictures and information brought from

Uncomfortable work time...

I just came in from "work" (22:40) been outside since 18:30 this evening working with our house. I was scraping the house and it was so hard to do it, my hands are hurting since you have to hold the scraper really hard while scraping! Ohh... To make it worse I woke at 8 this morning due to the sun light, that's the consequences' with having a big window, and you get more light into the room... So you can say that I'm really tired now! Before starting with the scraping I did actually windsurf for an hour or two and that was really nice though it didn't blow that much! My brother follow with me out to the water, he drove our little boat and took three pictures and made four short videos. It was very funny to see yourself on the video. One thing I noticed was that on the video it looks that you don't windsurf that fast, however in reality it feels much faster than it actually is. I have been thinking why it is like this, and I haven't yet come to any conclusion... (Stuff I think of, strange...)

Today I went into town and bought a new hard drive, the brand Iomega with 500 GB with free space (or actually 465 GB). I've been sitting and trying to make a recovery of my whole computer, it has taken a while around four hours of copying and extracting files to the new hard drive, but I finished for a little while. I'm considering going to bed but I'm kind of too tired to that so instead I will try to put up the three pictures from this afternoon.




Good Night!


Today's and yesterday's events

I had the change to convince my brother to go out and windsurf, and it was a lot of fun seeing him doing it... Not because he fell, just because he was really good actually! He learned today how to gain wind as much as possible. However in the beginning he float into our neighbor's boat and got stuck! The board's fin got tangled in a line and he had to jump into the water. He thought it was cold, but he actually had a wetsuit. During the time he was windsurfing I was driving our small boat and taking some pictures of him while surfing, here are some pictures!


The picture of the moon (at the bottom) I took today, this night... The moon was extremely big than normal this night! (I'm sorry but my camera couldn't get a good picture of it.)







Good Night People =)


Today I received my grades for the Pre-Dp year and I'm very surprised over the result. The "Estetisk Verksamhet" which was kind of my favorite subject since we only played music, I got a vg which I hadn't expected. I wonder what he was thinking doing his grades! However I got a vg in German and a vg in English, ouch... I was surprised that I got a vg in German, because... it's actually funny, I haven't done ANYTHING!  So I ought to get a g in the subject! And the third grade, English I'm not especially proud over. Okay, I knew that I would get vg, however English is what IB is ALMOST all about.... Yaya, you can improve and I will that's one of my promises to myself =)

I hope you all a satisfied with your results!!!

Have a very nice Midsummer's Eve  =)         

Oceans Thirteen

I just saw Ocean's Thirteen, and what can I say about the movie... It's a splendid movie or maybe just a flop, to make a comparison with the other movies, Ocean's Eleven and Ocean's Twelve. I must say that all of them are still into the same motives, robbing a casino. However this last movie of the Ocean's had actually gone a bit too far, though the movie was very well thought-out. I won't revile any special details, expect for making an earthquake without the forces of the ground must be much harder to perform, than how they make it on this movie.

What this movie gains votes on, is the actors; Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Al Pachino and many more actors. However those mentioned are to be given a great plus for their acting in this movie. My opinion is that; hopefully we won't have "to" see an "Ocean's Fourteen"...




Scientific truth

Every scientific truth goes through three states: first, people say it conflicts with the Bible; next, they say it has been discovered before; lastly, they say they always believed it.

Louis Agassiz

Usch usch usch...

Today the weather isn't nice at all... It's cloudy and you can feel the rain in the air, it's also humid but since it's cold 11 degreedes you don't feel it to much, and the worest part is that it's not windy. Philip and I had actually planned to do something today, however our planns have been ruined, due to the weather! So I've decided to put up some weather forecasts for the following days. Don't blame me if they're wrong, blame SMHI.

The weather for today


The weather for Monday


The weather for Thuseday


The weather for Wednesday


The weather for Thursday


What a day...

I woke up today at 8:45 á clock in the morning due to the light shining into my room, as always. I thought it was a nice day, at the same as I was staring out the window my brother came in and said that we are leaving in 40 minutes to go to town for some shopping! Of course I got a bit stressed and began hurrying up, while running up and down, back and forward, my dad came home from Thailand. When I was finished I almost hadn't any time saying Hi.. :P However we (Sofia, Björn, Mom and me) came into town very early and I must say, that I have started liking the town more... It's a total different feeling walking in town in the morning when no one's is around! So I've decided to go to town during mornings! After being in town I went home and did absolutely nothing for around 8 hours, it was very boring. However after I've eaten some old friends began collecting guys to play football, and of course I joined though my knee hurts very very much now after I played for 2 hours. (I'm a foolish guy, I know)

I want to say that all of you who reads my blogg you can ALWAYS count on me! Call me when you're up to anything, I have very much time that I don't know what to do with!

Hope you had a better day ;)

Song:  Traffic  -  DJ Tiësto

A pleasant evening

I just came home from Sally's "late" birthday party, which was very enjoyable, with a lot of very good food ( I like the olives A LOT) and very good friends! I don't have to name all of them that where there... However Kati was there and today it was the last time I/we saw her before she's going back to Germany! It has been wonderful learning to know Kati, she a very special person with a great personality. I hope she comes visiting us, or perhaps we can find some free time to visit her, that would also be very funny.


At Sally's "party" we also looked at a movie, Mean Girls. I told everyone that I didn't want to see the movie; however I and Philip were the only ones who refused or did speak up. The girls took our rights and putted on the movie. (It was okey, you were many more, so it was actually just right) The movie however was of course a really girl'ish movie, it all was about Girls Girls Girls and Girls! However Lindsay Lohan is very very beautiful, or at least she was on this movie. I've heard that she has loosed much weight!!! I just can't understand why, because she was FAT!!! I don't understand girls, why they all think there are FAT, ok all don't say it but you think it (I think)... You've already heard "Var nöjd med dig själv" "Du ÄR inte tjock" "Ät nu snälla, du måste äta" However the more you say these phrases, the less they appreciate themselves... Hmm, I wonder if someone has the secret medicine for Girls --> partly; to make them to believe in what guys tell them, (ok, mostly you listen, but when it comes to the Fat-problem, (hmm that doesn't sound nice, sry! ) you don't "listen") and to be happy with what they have and are. I think you all by now know that I'm not to happy with celebreties, and it's partly because of the celebrities creates the perfect looking?s, how you SHALL (in my opinion it should say; "Should) look to be beautiful. Everyone knows, you should be thin with beautiful hips not pointing out or something, you also should have a beautiful face, with eyes, mouth, cheeks, nose all flowing into each other.. Okey, I might be exaggerating, however this how it is... and it makes me sick! Ha! Now I've said it, I'm exhausted haven't feeling quite good lately not only referring to my knee...


Good Night everyone!


P.S. Bye bye Kati, I hope you all good luck in the future!!!

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