Hey guys, thx for the nice comments, I appreciate it!
When I sat today playing keyboard not piano! (Happy Nienke ;) I thought about what I would like to do during the Christmas vacation. I came up several suggestions for how to live this vacation, without rotten in my room in front of the computer. There should be a combination between activities inside and outside, so far I think most of the “activities” we’ve done has been indoor. However it has been very fun, but we have to activate us much more! Suggestions for this are; Walking, Running, Cycling, Swimming, Skiing, Ice-skating, “Åka Pulka” and much more! Please leave other suggestions that you may have in mind.
Have a nice weekend!
Hahaa! That is never gonna work for you Erik, on one way or another you are gonna go back to that pretty computer of yours :P I suggest you let your parents hide it again ;)
You're talking about outdoor activities but Christmas vacation = snow and cold (well, supposed to be..) so it will probably be hard to run/cycle/swim :p
But skiing and ice-skating sound fun. :)
And btw: it's keyboard, not piano! :P
Okey, Nienke I changed it! It says Keyboard now and not piano!:P
Good! :)
Hmm... Erik, you sure think very much for being so... young! (?)
Hehe, naww... but it sounds fun. You seem to be figuring out the most of your holiday now. Oh, shoot... I still haven't talked to you. Well... let's talk soon ;)
I havent even bought christmaspresents yet :P
Juste, pulk-åkning! Det är ett måste. Så alla får ta och... antingen skicka en bön till Gud eller en lista till Tomten där det står "SNÖ I SVERIGE NU!".
Gör det. Nu.
Do it. Do it.
(Starsky & Hutch anyone?)
Flum. Gonatt.
haha! Do it! mmm Starsky & Hutch