What's going on!
Hello dear Blog!
I want to start with saying: What’s going on! There're many strange things going on in school includes (relations, IB subjects), with myself, my computer, the electricity, and some other things I don’t remember now. But it’s creepy I’ll come soon to why, but at least what I know Halloween is over right, that will not include Ghosts and over dynamical creatures who are responsible for these strange things happening.
So first… what the hell has happened during week 44!! First a couple breaks (I won’t say any names) then there’s another who gets together (Can you say so:S) and then another, OMG that’s like 6 persons included! Hmm, just a bit strange but I’ll live with it, actually it’s not that hard:P but any was! These things are strange…
Then we come to the IB and subjects, hmm I like going from the other to the other ALL the time! I can’t decide what to take, Economics HL (btw I’ve learned how to spell businessJ) History HL or maybe Psychology SL, everything is just a mess! Then the MATHEMATICS, I want to take HL and going to… But I have some kind of a brake that makes me say no! Don’t you do that! You will regret it! You WILL fail! What should you do when you have this brake! Talk to someone, maybe or maybe not! Talk to Tos, no he doesn’t take me seriously, My sister --> has Studies! Talk to my dad, I don’t thing so, don’t know why but it’s just like that! So I talk to……. Never mind.
Btw, here comes some NOT interesting information about my computer. It’s so LAAAAZY, it doesn’t keep up with my tempo while writing, it’s like sloooow motion (not slow, but sloooow) you get me ;) I hate slow computers, but some times I feel sad for them. Look: When a computer is slow, where do you hit!? The “screen” of course! But for reel it’s the box on the floor (the computer) that is lazy! The screen is much faster! But not so many knows this, so they hit the innocent screen! Think about this next time you are up to hit a computer ;P Btw, new films coming up:
- An inconvenient truth (Good quality) 4,3 Gb
- The whole Prison Break Season 1 (Good quality) 23 Gb
- Brother Bear 2 (I know child movie, but its good I’ve heard, thou it’s old) ~ 4Gb
- Sweet Home Alabama (Good quality, nice movie nice song) ~ 4Gb
Much more to come…. This is for now! Take care! (I don’t know who, but maybe you;)
My tip: Talk to Tos... He'll take you seriously. Also, I think you should take Maths HL. You're really good at maths, seriously, I know I tease you (and Nienke and diana) but I'm just jealous ;) Go for it!