At last, the Summer vacation is here!
The school ceremony wasn't long at all compared with other years, our headmaster Mr. Hont didn't held a 20 minutes speech lucky us! After school I went with; Philip, Diana, Anna, and Sally to a café here in Saltis, I ate two ice creams, I totally spend 34 kronor on ice-cream for ONE "Fika". After we've been sitting and eating we went for a walk and after that we splitted up for the day. I went home and ate lunch! With the stomach with plenty of food, I decided to windsurf for about two hours approximately. However after an hour, while surfing I stepped wrong on the board and flipped over, somehow I manage to hit my right knee (which I'd already injured yesterday) on the fen of the board. I got a "gash/jack" in my knee where I already had hurt myself. However I didn't notice this and didn't feel anything I just went going, but when I looked down I saw my whole leg full of blood and you can say that I almost fainted, because I dropped the sail and sat down on the small board and started to investigate the wound and when doing this I felt the salt water in it, and it "smarted" soo much. Trouble was that I was in middle of the sea and couldn't get any help. I didn't have any choice rather than windsurfing the wound and actually I'd already done that however that was unaware of the wound. I manage to get back to land and up for all the stairs to the house. I took the disinfecting-medium to clear the wound from any kind of dirt... Ah, and it "smarted" so much, that too... However after cleaning it, I placed a plaster on the wound. Oh, this day didn't turn out that lucky for me... So I kind of have maltreated my knee, I need to take it easy for a week, mom says..... And that sucks, I want to play football and many other things!
I hope you had a better day than me! Or did you not?
Song: Elements of life - Tiesto (The BEST DJ ever!!)
Tiësto äger! Och inte bara för att han är holländsk :P
Nienke; Ne det är sant! Lyssnar du på hans musik btw?
Nja.. ibland :P